The Lifespan of Smart Plugs: Do They Have an Expiration Date?

James Beetie portrait pic

Smart plugs are handy devices you need to have if you want a complete smart home. They allow you to turn on and off just about any plugged-in device in your home using your phone. You can give commands through touch or voice

Considering the effectiveness and efficiency, one might want to know if the smart plugs go bad. While it is not expected that a device will remain useful forever, it is important to know how long it will take before the plugs go bad.

With prolonged use, smart plugs will lose efficiency. The rate at which they go bad will depend on how often you use them. These plugs are designed to last long, and it is unlikely that your smart plug will go bad before serving you for at least seven years.

Keep reading for insights.

How long does it take for a smart plug to go bad?

As said earlier, a good smart plug will remain at its top-notch functionality and effectiveness for at least seven years. After that, it is not guaranteed to continue serving you effectively. In some cases, such a plug will start to experience problems, completely stop functioning, or even fail completely. Considering that smart plugs are classified as electronics, it is obvious that they will develop problems after some time.

Most companies sell smart plugs with a warranty of 7 years maximum. Typically, the warranty can expire before the plug gets damaged. In rare cases, smart plugs get bad before the warranty ends, and you can get a replacement if your actions did not initiate the damage.

Causes of Smart Plug Failure + How to Prevent From Occurring

Smart plugs will fail on several occasions due to different reasons. Thankfully, most of these failures can be corrected. Here are the most common issues that can make your smart plug not work.

1. Connection issues

Most users of smart devices, not just smart plugs, experience connectivity problems. You will discover that your smart plug, too, often goes offline. The plug also fails to connect to the smartphone or other control devices. Usually, such connectivity errors will occur if your smart plug and phone are not connected to the same internet network.

When you realize your smart plug is failing, you can check if your wifi is not turned off. If it is off, then this might be the reason why your smart plug is not working. If it is on, check if the smart plug and the device issuing commands share the same internet connection. If not, you have to ensure they are both connected to one WiFi router so they can easily transmit signals.

You can also check if the Bluetooth of your smart plug is turned on. It might be the reason why your two smart devices are not locating and connecting to each other.

2. Unstable internet connection

Smart plugs need a stable internet connection so that they can work efficiently. A weak or poor internet connection will force your smart plug to go off regularly. This doesn’t indicate that your device is getting bad; it simply means that you still need to do more with your internet routers.

Always check the signal strength on your router. When you realize that the signal strength is too weak, try changing the position of your router. You can put it close to the smart plug or remove all barriers between the router and the plug.

3. Your plug should be updated

Your smart plug might stop working due to bugs and glitches. In other situations, bugs will make the plug unresponsive or malfunction. Before you consider replacing your smart plug, you can start by checking for an update.

There are more software issues that can damage your smart plug. However, once you get an update, the issues can be easily wiped away, and your device will function effectively. Most updates can be sourced online, and they are meant to renew the firmware and functionality of your device.

4. The socket has failed

Smart plugs do not just depend on a stable internet connection to function, they also need to be inserted in a normal electrical plug, which supplies the electricity. If the smart plug is not getting an adequate electrical power supply, it will either get off or start malfunctioning. In most cases, it responds by going offline or shutting off.

If you realize that your smart plug doesn’t turn on even when you command it to turn on, check on the original electric outlet. This is done to confirm if there are any problems with a socket that should supply your plug with electricity.

Call in a professional to rectify the errors in your power source. You as well go the more straightforward way by changing the smart plug and taking it to a functional socket. If the problem was with the source output, your smart plug would now start working. In that case you can check the article: What to do when smart plugs not working after power outage

5. The smart plugs need to be reset

Just like your other smart home electronic devices, a smart plug will need to be reset. The resetting should be done regularly. When you realize your plug has functionality issues, reset it. Resetting is helpful when the plug malfunctions after a power outage.

Generally, sudden power outages are not good for most electronic devices. They can either damage them or make them blow out. Fortunately, smart plugs have an automated shut-off feature that helps in case of sudden electric fluctuations.

Another way to ensure your smart plug serves you effectively and efficiently over a long time is by ensuring that you purchase a high-quality plug. Some plugs are designed to last longer than others, while others will easily stop working after one or two years of use. Even though high-quality smart plugs are more expensive, they are designed to last longer and might not go bad.


Smart plugs are subjected to conditions that can make them go bad after using them for some years or months. If it stops working when still under the warranty period, it can be replaced by a new one. Regular maintenance and proper care can help enhance the lifespan of your smart plug.

James Beetie portrait pic
About James Beetie

James - a self-confessed nerd - has owned smart home equipment for close to a decade, and he loves communicating the best ways of setting them up... and resolving the various bugs and issues that you'll no doubt come across!